In this unpredictable year, talking about the office, relationships with colleagues and productivity has had a different meaning than usual. Companies have been forced to rethink their workplace safety strategies and smart working has become a necessity for many workers. The issues that have shaped 2020 have acquired a more intimate value, entering in our home sphere and moving increasingly into the digital and virtual world. Let’s take a look at some of the most read stories on Landscapes.

1. Office Design, 2020 trends

In one of the first articles of the year we explored new trends. Biophilic design, privacy, flexibility. The concept of privacy was discussed in another of our most-read articles for 2020, although it was written the year before: the Huddle Room.

2. The office after Covid-19: the adaptability challenge

In a period of uncertainty that has yet to come to an end, returning to work has not been easy.  There are some good tips and suggestions for improving the comfort and sense of security of workers. We’ve discussed them in this article.

3. Approaching smart working: some tips

Almost all of us have experienced remote working and many of us will continue to do so in 2021. In March, we provided some useful tips on how to keep productivity high when working from home, without interfering too much with private life.

In the same category we find one of the most widely read articles of 2019: how to organize the perfect home office.

4. When rock meets design: the new Progetto CMR headquarters

Among the featured projects in this year’s Landscapes column, a special mention goes to the new Milan headquarters of Progetto CMR, a world-famous architecture firm we have been working with for years. A redevelopment with a high level of design and creativity!

5. Smart Working: how to work from home with an eye to well-being

Working remotely is not as “easy” as in the office: the quest for high productivity can create moments of stress and physical problems if the furniture is not adequate and ergonomic.

In this article we gave some useful information on how to improve well-being in the home office, taking into account every aspect.

6. 5 reasons to choose an ergonomic chair

In the office or home office, seating is essential: for health, for productivity and for comfort. Every reason that supports this theory is summarised in this article.


The year 2021 will be full of many inspiring articles and interesting topics on everything from your

professional life to new approaches and working methods, spaces and ways of collaborating, and also new insights: just follow us!