We’ve talked about remote working many times on the Landscapes pages. The world of work is becoming more and more dynamic and companies are already adapting or starting to adapt to the digital transformation. The first trimester of 2020 has seen a spike in smart working, even in the smallest firms, to cope with the Covid-19 crisis currently affecting so many countries.
Are you now having to work from home?
Here are some smart tips, to maintain the level of efficiency you have in the office and avoid what’s known as freelancer burnout. We talked about that in a recent article.
Stick to regular hours and a routine
Do you work 8 to 5 with an hour lunch break? Stick to the same hours at home or only vary them slightly. Try to follow the same routine, maybe turning your coffee break into a quick phone chat, maybe with your favourite colleague. Going back to the office will be easier if you don’t make too many changes.
Choose the right place to work
What makes a workspace efficient? No outside distractions, a desk, an ergonomic chair and light (with no reflections on the PC screen). Find a quiet corner of your house to work in and set up your perfect home office, even if it is just for a short period. You’ll find lots of useful advice here.
Create “boundaries” between your private and working life
A dedicated workspace, set hours, scheduled calls to colleagues to keep up to speed with the overall situation and individual projects. But not just that: your private life must not interfere with your working life. Ensure that the people you live with give you space during “office hours”.
Pretend you’re in the office
As you would do every day normally, get up, have a shower, get dressed and groomed as you would if you were meeting colleagues. Lose the pyjamas for smart working. A mental connection with the office will make you more productive…and prevent an attack of laziness.
It’s good practice in these cases to schedule a daily video call with colleagues, so there won’t be any excuses for it.
Work in a team, even remotely
Spend a few moments every day checking in with colleagues to see how projects you’re following together are going. That way, you won’t just have an overall idea of work, it will help you all keep productivity high as well.
Make the most of digital tools, but not personal ones
VPN, project management software, video conferencing websites and rapid file transfer services: we live in an age when we can be connected and efficient, wherever we are. Ask the digital nomads!
Here’s a tip: during work hours at home, give the social network and personal messaging apps a break, as they will just be useless distractions.
Grab the chance to do some exercise
Whether it’s a yoga session in your lunch hour, a spin on the exercise bike or lifting a few weights to keep your muscles active, even if you’re working from home, don’t forget about staying in shape.
You can even take part in lessons on YouTube and various Facebook groups, recorded or streamed, as if you were in the gym, and you can even do it with a group.
Organise a happy hour
Let’s go back to point 1 on this list. When you spend too much time at home, try to stick to your normal daily routine. If that includes happy hour with colleagues and friends, there’s nothing stopping you organising a virtual one too. Pick your platform of choice from WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger and the many others, and end your day with a live-streamed drink with friends!