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Pros and cons of hybrid work
Hybrid workplaces are no longer just something to prepare for. The post-Covid trend has now turned into a reality for many companies, from small enterprises to multinational giants. However, not…
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Valeria Garbo
June 23, 2022
Hybrid working models and how to implement them
In the last few years, between the pandemic and the subsequent return to the office, we’ve seen how effective remote working can be in a company’s strategy. At the same…
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Valeria Garbo
June 16, 2022
Toxic corporate culture: 5 concerning signs
We often talk about team building, engagement, company loyalty and a sense of belonging because a company’s core values should be reflected in its corporate culture. However, it can happen…
Work Life Work Life Work Life Work Life Work Life Work Life
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Valeria Garbo
June 9, 2022
From work-life balance to work-life integration
Synergy. Work, home, family, community, leisure, hobbies: each area of our life contributes to our personal well-being and is an important part of our personality. Why, then, do we talk…
Wellbeing Wellbeing
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Valeria Garbo
June 2, 2022
Break areas and coffee breaks: the importance of comfort in the office
The break area is an essential element in any office, as it combines the cosy atmosphere of home (the ‘first space’) with the productivity of the office (the ‘second space’)….
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Valeria Garbo
May 26, 2022
6 habits that make the office more sustainable
The office that looks to the future is sustainability-conscious. It’s designed with an eye towards materials, ventilation, lighting and air conditioning, to minimise environmental impact from every point of view….
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Valeria Garbo
May 19, 2022
10 effective brainstorming techniques for teams
In a company it’s very important to stimulate the creative process. One of the most popular techniques is brainstorming, a series of actions aimed at helping teams improve the development…
How To How To
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Valeria Garbo
May 12, 2022
Constructive criticism: how to approach managers
The world of work is increasingly moving towards flat organisations: the hierarchy remains but is much less rigid than in the past. The result is a more direct relationship between…
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Valeria Garbo
May 5, 2022
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