More than a year has passed since the Covid-19 emergency began and several global studies are questioning the office evolution, the changing working habits and the consequences of digital transformation processes. Is this the end of open spaces? Will we all have to have a home office, even though space in it is becoming increasingly […]
Third Place: a strategic area that transforms workplaces for the individual’s well-being
The definition finds its origin in The Great Good Place book by urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg, published in 1989. The first place is one’s own home, a private and domestic space. The second place is work, a structured social experience in which one spends most of one’s time. The third place is a place where […]
5 reasons (+1) for choosing an ergonomic seat
We often see pictures of people working with laptops while lying on a sofa or sipping coffee on an armchair. What a mistake! There are a few basic rules that must be adopted before sitting in front of a screen for several hours. Work, in order to be efficient, requires the use of an ergonomic […]
Exercising in your lunch break: is it really a good idea?
Why sport in your lunch break is good for you Sport is always good for you, at any time of day. People who choose to exercise at lunch time break up the working day with an hour of physical activity. This is really important for your metabolism, circulation and general health. Just one hour of […]
Is work stressing you out? Try meditation
Intense meetings, deadlines to meet, tensions or conflict: working days include all those things of course, but the equation “a build-up of commitments equals stress” is not always so predictable. If the atmosphere at work is particularly intense or stressful, it’s a good idea to create a tiny oasis of calm for yourself, where you […]
Working from home according to nature
The environment and smart working are words connected by a special relationship. People who work from home are doing their bit in the battle for the ecosystem by helping to reduce pollution linked to transport. And the environment is returning the favour, because of increasing opportunities for agile workers to benefit from contact with nature, […]
Breathe better to work better: the effect of air quality
How often do we think about air quality in our work environment? It’s no doubt happened to you in your working life. If there is a group of people working in the same room, there’s always someone who want the window closed and someone else who wants it open, someone who wants the thermostat turned […]
How to be creative under stress: 5 simple tips
Burnout, anxiety and stress at work, is now officially an “occupational phenomenon” but “not an illness”. This is as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) which included ‘burnout‘ in the new version of the 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). In the document, the syndrome is included in the chapter of “factors influencing health […]
Smart working: how to work from home with your wellbeing (including mental) in mind
Remote working doesn’t suit everyone, but there are times when smart working becomes a necessity for companies, like in this delicate period of COVID-19 emergency facing us all. Is this the first time that you’ve worked long hours from home? We recently wrote a short, simple guide for you. Now we’re looking at another aspect […]
A question of the sense of smell: the scents that make you work better
Can a pleasant aroma really help business? For those in the business of selling, it is no secret: what customer fails to react to the delightful smell of a bakery or grilled food? The most recent finding is that the right aroma can increase productivity and satisfaction in offices too. In 2018, the Journal of […]